Thursday 2 February 2023

Greenway walk at Imbolc

The Kenilworth to Berkswell Greenway (along the route of a disused former railway line) is the second of my regular walk routes from the my front door (the other is the Abbey Fields circuit - see previous post).

Imbolc - one of the cross quarter days - is on 1-2 February, half way between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. It is also known as Candlemass or St Brigid's Day. Very often (though who knows what climate change will do) there is a brief harbinger of spring, a sense of the seasons changing - even if further cold weather is to come later in February and March.

And so it was this time - it was sunny, milder, the air felt slightly 'softer'. Early bulbs were opening their flowers in the sun, birds are courting and searching for nesting sites. And the added interest was a daytime moon.

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