Sunday, 22 April 2018

Impermanence 1

I'm doing a six-week online photo workshop with Kim Manley Ort on the theme Celebrating Impermanence. Each week there is a prompt for the theme plus some notes and thoughts. 

For Week 1, the topic was 'noticing impermanence' and we were encouraged to take an 'impermanence walk' in a familiar place, and notice what had changed. It happened that this was an almost entirely wet week! Additionally, I was preparing to go away the following week. So a walk was not possible and I had to find my images in my house and garden.

A withered leaf from a Christmas poinsettia plant that's still alive in April

Raindrops hanging from a fence wire

Almost gone . . .

Almost gone . . .

The rain is rotting the camellia buds before they've even opened

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