Friday, 9 August 2019

Voyage North - a photo essay: (17) leaving Nuuk, heading south

We left Nuuk in the afternoon and by early evening were again sailing down the west coast of Greenland. The captain announced that, later on, we would be passing a very beautiful glacier (Jakobshavn, which I'd previously seen in the distance on the way north) and he would sail as close in to the coast as was safe, so we could get a good view of it. However . . . everything in Greenland is subject to the weather! As we sailed south, the mist came down, followed by fog so thick that you could barely see the ship's rail from my cabin window. So my misty view sailing north was the only one I was going to get. But here is a smaller glacier we passed, just revealing - through the gloom - its terminal moraine:

As the mist was starting to come down I managed a few photos of the distant coast, with an iceberg that we sailed past, showing us changing perspectives, and different backdrops of the mountains and icecap, as our angle of view shifted . . . these were the last photos before the fog arrived.

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