Friday, 16 November 2018

30 Days of Perception: (2) 'Seeing' - days 11-15

This is the third post in the series '30 Days of Perception'. The first two posts, with explanation of the project, are here and here.

From Day 11 we move from 'being' prompts to 'seeing' prompts.

Day 11 - Ditch the story ('just seeing')

Opening the bedroom curtain . . .

Day 12 - Overlooked

When I open my bedroom curtains in the mornings I look over my back garden to the allotments beyond. At the end of my garden is a tangle of Rosa rugosa, literally overlooked (looked over) as my glance falls on the space beyond. But this morning the bright, low autumn sun was falling just so and drew my eye to the gleam of the bright red hips.

Day 13 - Ground (that which is beneath your feet)

On the ground outside the greengrocer - mixed Iceland poppies in bright sunlight, blowing in the breeze

Day 14 - Space (the volume of space in front of you, the space between things)

(a) the volume in front

(b) the space between

Day 15 - Periphery (seen out of the corner of your eye . . .)

One of the interesting things about wearing varifocal spectacles is that the edges of vision are distorted, but that movement at the outer edges of the field of view is especially noticeable. This afternoon I was sitting on a bench in an art gallery, adjacent to the revolving entrance doors. My eye was caught by a flash of movement to my right as the doors revolved, and then the reflections of rainbow colour . . . it was only later, looking at the photo, that I noticed the reflection of the two figures outside in the lobby.

1 comment:

  1. Your images reflect the prompts and your awareness so well!


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