Sunday, 6 May 2018

Impermanence 3

The prompt for Week 3 was about change (for an explanation of this project, see here).

It seems that each week I have a particular constraint placed upon me by the exigencies of life which has meant that I have not yet been able to take a week with my camera to respond freely to the theme. Week 3 has been no exception. I returned from my trip to Normandy with a nasty chest infection and have spent this past week not only in my house but mostly in bed.

So I have been trying to find moments of change, to be photographed indoors, without a great deal of effort, either mental or physical, since the combination of illness and medication leaves me fuzzy-headed as well as physically lethargic.

So, first:

Hardly of great aesthetic merit, but it's the change impinging on me most insistently.

Through the window - this is a photo of rain! This is England in April - half an hour ago it was bright and sunny, now it isn't. We live here with a changeable climate, never more so than in April.

And a neighbour brought me some flowers to wish me well soon - they changed over the week, as tulips do.

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