Wednesday, 17 August 2016

People-watching in the city

This is the second sequence of photos from today's outing with my U3A photography group (see previous post). I sat on the cathedral steps and waited to see what I would see. All these shots were taken with a long lens . . . I haven't ventured into the uncertain waters of bona fide close-up 'street photography'!

And I thought that this last one also worked well in urban noir:

Shapes & colours in the city

Last time I went into Coventry, to take photos around the cathedral, it was a bright, clear, sparkling sunny day in January - clear air, low sun, sharp shadows . . .  which was why I chose that location, to suit the conditions.

This afternoon, my U3A photography group had a meeting and we had chosen the same place, but what a difference! Bright sun again, but this time in the summer, sun fairly high in the sky, but hazy, turgid light - almost as if the sultry heat had permeated the character of the light itself. If I'd been alone, I wouldn't have gone out with a camera at all at that time, with that light; but one of the downsides of a group is that arrangements have to be made in advance, and weather can change.

As a consequence, this series of photos is, of course, utterly different from the previous occasion.

Friday, 12 August 2016

Orkney & Shetland 14: final miscellany

A few images here that didn't fit within any of the previous posts.

Aberdeen nightfall: on my way north I stayed one night in Aberdeen. Late in the evening I clambered onto the windowsill to catch this view from my window:

Clickimin Broch: a ruined broch and archaeological site within easy walking distance of the centre of Lerwick, the capital of Shetland:

Reviving Viking crafts at Old Scatness:

Reviving Viking crafts at Brookpoint (see earlier post):

Orkney & Shetland 13: grey day on Unst

Orkney & Shetland 12: Viking ship at Brookpoint, Unst

Unst is the northernmost inhabited island of Shetland (the only piece of land further north is Muckle Flugga, with its now automated lighthouse). Shetland has a significant Viking history and at Brookpoint there is a full sized reproduction Viking ship. It is a copy of the ship found at Gokstad in Norway, in a Viking burial mound excavated in 1880. Like the original, the reproduction ship (named Skidbladner) is built of oak in the clinker style. It was sailed from Norway to Unst. Alongside the ship is a replica Viking longhouse.

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Orkney & Shetland 11: Mousa - island and broch

A day spent on the Island of Mousa - Broch, landscape, wildflowers, RSPB nature reserve.

Broch of Mousa from ferry landing 

Broch of Musa with people on top! 

Approaching Broch of Mousa 

Inside Broch

Inside Broch 

Eyebright (Euphrasia) flowers

Bay leading to ferry landing, with a bright turquoise streak in the sea

Dead tree in peat bog with bay behind

Monday, 8 August 2016

Orkney & Shetland 10: Neolithic Orkney

Barnhouse Village 

Ditch around Ring of Brodgar 

Walking round the Ring of Brodgar

Stones of Stenness 

Stones of Stenness 

Encrusted stone, Ring of Brodgar 

Orkney & Shetland 9: St Magnus Cathedral, Kirkwall

I hesitated about publishing these images. Being part of a tour group makes using a tripod, and taking careful shots, completely impossible. So in the indoor space of a church, in low light, the only solution was very high ISO. Consequently, these images are very grainy, quite 'noisy'.
But I decided to post a few here anyway.

Orkney & Shetland 8: Island of Rousay

Harbour at Tingwall, Orkney Mainland

Waiting for the ferry

Trumland Farm 

Fishing boat off Rousay 

Swandro Church 

Coastal excavation, Swandro 

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