Saturday, 23 May 2015

Calvin's pulpit

This rock is known as Calvin's Pulpit (La Chaire a Calvin) - Calvin reportedly preached from the top of it in 1520.

Underneath the rock outcrop is a rock shelter (known by the same name) with a carved frieze of animals, dating from the Magdalenian period (between 10 000 and 18 000 years ago).

The images that follow below aren't photos-for-the-sake-of-wanting-to-make-nice-photos; they're trying to give an impression of what we saw - the old, damaged and eroded remains of an ancient culture's images, carved into the rock by people surprisingly like ourselves.

A reconstruction of the frieze, to help you see what is there:

And the frieze itself:

The overlapping animal drawings on the right hand end:

The central horse:

The truncated animal at the left:

As we learnt, you have to get your eye in!

1 comment:

  1. The size of the frieze was incredible too, all along the back wall of the shelter, full-height...


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