Saturday, 21 August 2021

Along the path, in the rain

 We were forecast heavy rain and thunderstorms all day today, but by lunchtime there was still no sign of them, and they had vanished from the forecast . . . so I went for a walk, with a camera in my pocket - and, yes, of course: when I was half an hour from home, the heavens opened. So, poor light, raindrops on the lens . . .

The path is a decommissioned and revamped railway line, now a Sustrans route. But signs of its previous existence persist, not only in the style of the old bridges, but also in the presence of an old, left-over gradient sign, previously trackside, now half buried in the wild vegetation. I have walked this path many, many times over the decades, but have never before noticed it.

The verges are a nature reserve, mostly left to manage themselves. Nature is looking autumnal already - seeds forming, leaves turning, autumn flowers in bloom.

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