I should have done a custom white balance (the background isn't the right colour), but otherwise I quite like it!
So, eliminating colour . . . .
I should have done a custom white balance (the background isn't the right colour), but otherwise I quite like it!
So, eliminating colour . . . .
The wheel of the year turns on again and now it's Beltane - May 1st - half way between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice. Traditionally, this was celebrated as the start of summer - the animals that had been penned inside over the winter were driven out into the fields to graze the new grass, now growing strongly and offering good nutrition. Houses and barns would be decorated with spring flowers, there would be a festival, with bonfires and feasting, and traditionally it was a time for betrothals.
The traditions have largely died out now, but we retain 'May Day' as a significant date - as Labour Day, or International Workers' Day
The garden is thriving by this time of the year (the vagaries of the weather permitting). Here is only a small selection - I didn't want to cut the blossom of apples, pears, cherries, early raspberries and blueberries, which would mean depriving myself of fruit later in the year! But here are an early bluebell, a delicate anemone, and the first flowers of wild garlic . . . and a fallen camellia flower - they are short-lived but glorious.