That's how long it took! Unfortunately, the camera was upstairs, so in the time it took me to fetch it, I missed the best of a beautiful pink mackerel sky.
17:58, south-west
17:59, south-south-west
18:00, south
18:01, north-west
That's how long it took! Unfortunately, the camera was upstairs, so in the time it took me to fetch it, I missed the best of a beautiful pink mackerel sky.
17:58, south-west
17:59, south-south-west
18:00, south
18:01, north-west
This is why I keep a camera, out of its case and ready, in the living room!
I glanced out of the window and saw this:
And five minutes later, this:
Two minutes later expanded to this:
And then ten minutes after that, clear skies: