Saturday, 30 March 2019

Jeff Koons at the Ashmolean

A few days ago I went to Oxford with a friend to see a small exhibition of Jeff Koons' work a the Ashmolean Museum. I won't say anything here about his 'art', but I took it as a challenge to see if I could make some interesting photographs of his so-called 'inflatables' - polished stainless steel manufactured to look like shiny plasticised balloons, but on a vast scale.

It was indeed a challenge! I hadn't taken a camera with me, so I had only my phone, not capturing in RAW, in difficult lighting, other people standing in the gallery just where you wanted to shoot, and with spotlight reflections bouncing off the polished surfaces . . . and then not having the RAW files to work with when I started processing.

But here are a few that I think are worth posting, in spite of their technical deficiencies.

Exit via the gift shop . . . and you too can have a mini-Koons for a mere twelve-and-a-half thousand pounds.

Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Knife Angel

The Knife Angel is a huge forged steel sculpture made primarily of knives confiscated from, or handed in by, people who were carrying them as street weapons. It is touring various city venues and has recently arrived in Coventry, where it has been sited close to the cathedral and the Jacob Epstein sculpture of St Michael vanquishing the Devil. It will remain there until Easter and then move to another city.

The photos below are in the order in which they were taken - with such a reflective set of surfaces you can see the passage of the low afternoon sun moving around.

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