Wednesday, 29 July 2015


During my day with Gilly Walker (for explanation see here) we had some discussion about my being more bold when cropping into images. Following the recent series of posts arising from that day, I've been going through some of my 'back catalogue' to discover images that I could improve, or images that I'd not spotted before.

One or two of what follows are re-edits of photographs that I've posted before; the remainder are images that I had previously overlooked as having potential. I re-edited 16 photos in all, and below are the seven that I consider are worth sharing (the others were a useful exercise for me, but not of sufficient interest to post here).

Monday, 27 July 2015

Isn't it good, old peeling wood

This is a further post of images arising from my day in Newark with Gilly Walker (see here for explanation).


This is a further post of images arising from my day in Newark with Gilly Walker (see here for explanation).

Through a tree darkly

This is a further post of images arising from my day in Newark with Gilly Walker (see here for explanation).


This is a further post of images arising from my day in Newark with Gilly Walker (see here for explanation).


This is a further post of images arising from my day in Newark with Gilly Walker (see here for explanation).

Brick and stone

This is a further post of images arising from my day in Newark with Gilly Walker (see here for explanation).


This is a further post of images arising from my day in Newark with Gilly Walker (see here for explanation).

Newark Castle Gardens - benches and gazebo

This is a further post of images arising from my day in Newark with Gilly Walker (see here for explanation).

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